In Bloom at the Market Basket Garden Center
Our Garden Centers have so much to offer! Product selection varies from store to store, so be sure to visit or contact your local Market Basket to inquire about a specific item. See below for a full list of offerings as well as a list of Market Basket locations that feature full or partial Garden Centers.
· 4″ Ready-to-plant Annuals (Choose from many varieties)
· Geraniums (Variety of sizes)
· Perennials
- Coreopsis
- Dianthus
- Bleeding Heart (Dicentra)
- Salvia
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Shasta Daisy
- Garden Pinks
- Lily
- Daylily
- Nepeta (Cat Mint)
- Hostas
- Lupine
- Delphinium
- Columbine (Early)
- Poppy (Early)
- Heuchera (Coral Bells)
· Hangers
- Shade Loving Hangers
- Fuschia
- Begonias
- Impatiens
- Sun Loving Hangers
- Lantana
- Verbena
- Alyssum
- SunPatiens
- Geranium
- Bacopa
- Million Bells
- Petunia
- Fuchsia
- Ivy Geranium
- New Guinea Impatiens
- Scaevola
· Other Selections
- Staked Tomatoes
- Staked Peppers
- Strawberries
- Caged Tomatoes
- Dahlias
- Clematis (Purple, red, blue, bi-color, and white)
· Shrubs
- Azalea
- Stewartstonian (Red)
- Karen (Purple)
- Girards Pleasant White (White)
- Blaauws Pink (Pink)
- Cornell Pink (Deciduous, Early Flowering, Pink)
- Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)
- Black Knight (Dark Purple)
- Nanho Blue (Navy Blue)
- Buxus (Boxwood)
- Justin Brouwer (Hardy, Dwarf, Evergreen)
- Euonymous (Wintercreeper)
- Emerald n Gold (Green/Gold Variegated Groundcover Evergreen)
- Emerald Gaiety (New!)
- Forsythia
- Lynwood Gold (Yellow Flowering, Early)
- Gold Thread Cyprus (New!)
- Ilex (Holly)
- Blue Prince (Tried and True Evergreen)
- Blue Princess (Tried and True Evergreen)
- Juniperus (Junipers)
- Procumbens Nana (Green Spreading Groundcover)
- Paeonia (peony)
- Paula Fay (White)
- Monsieur Jules Elie (Pink)
- Flowering Quince
- Red & Orange (New!)
- Rhododendron
- PJM (Pink, Small Leaf, Early)
- Olga Mezzit (Pink, Small Leaf, Early)
- Purple Gem (Purple, Small Leaf, Early, Dwarf)
- English Roseum (Pink, Broadleaf)
- Minnetonka (Purple, Broadleaf)
- Nova Zembla (Red, Broadleaf)
- Syringa (Lilac)
- Bloomerang Dark Purple (Dark purple, Reblooming) (PW)
- Miss Kim (Pink)
- Thuja (Arborvitae)
- Smartz (Emerald green, Evergreen Hedge)
- Occidental (“Fire Chief”) New!
- Vaccinium (Blueberries)
- Bluecrop (High Bush)
- Viburnum
- Wentworth (White)
- Weigela
- Spilled Wine (Dwarf, Dark Foliage, Pink)
- Tuxedo (Dwarf, Dark Foliage, White) (Bloomin Easy)
· Spring Perennials
- Pink Phlox
- White Phlox
- Blue Phlox
- Candy Striped Phlox
- Sweet Williams
- June Pinks
· Flowering Shrub Roses and Proven Winners Hydrangeas
- Rosa (rose)
- Double Knock Out (Red)
- Double Pink Knock Out (Pink)
- Knock Out Petite (Next-Gen, Dwarf, Constant Blooms)
- Hydrangea
- Endless Summer (Blue)
- Limelight Prime (Next-Gen Paniculata, Green to White to Pink) (PW)
- Little Lime (Green to White to Pink, Semi-Dwarf) (PW)
- Quickfire (Red) (PW)
· Florida Hibiscus, Mandevilla, and Braided Hibiscus
- 10″ Hibiscus (White, Pink, Lavender, and Yellow)
- 10″ Mandevilla (Pink, Yellow, and Red)
- 10″ Braided Hibiscus
- 6″ Mandevilla on Trellis
All of our Hibiscus and Mandevilla are well-established plants in bud and bloom.
Find a Market Basket Garden Center Near You
Here are our stores that feature all items:
- Ashland, MA (Store #46)
- Athol, MA (Store #78)
- Billerica, MA (Store #7)
- Billerica, MA (Store #44)
- Bourne, MA (Store #69)
- Burlington, MA (Store #24)
- Chelmsford, MA (Store #4)
- Chelsea, MA (Store #32)
- Danvers, MA (Store #23)
- Gloucester, MA (Store #61)
- Hanover, MA (Store #91)
- Haverhill, MA (Store #9)
- Haverhill, MA (Store #48)
- Littleton, MA (Store #77)
- Lowell, MA (Store #88)
- Maynard, MA (Store #87)
- Middleton, MA (Store #45)
- Newburyport, MA (Store #40)
- North Andover, MA (Store #12)
- Rowley, MA (Store #49)
- Shrewsbury, MA (Store #93)
- Tewksbury, MA (Store #8)
- Tewksbury, MA (Store #22)
- Waltham, MA (Store #79)
- Westford, MA (Store #72)
- Wilmington, MA (Store #3)
New Hampshire
- Bedford, NH (Store #71)
- Concord, NH (Store #34)
- Concord, NH (Store #92)
- Hudson, NH (Store #33)
- Lee, NH (Store #51)
- Londonderry, NH (Store #42)
- Nashua, NH (Store #43)
- Plaistow, NH (Store #25)
- Plymouth, NH (Store #86)
- Portsmouth, NH (Store #21)
- Salem, NH (Store #6)
- Salem, NH (Store #84)
- Seabrook, NH (Store #30)
- Stratham, NH (Store #26)
Rhode Island
Stores that feature select items:
- Bellingham, MA (Store #54) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Fall River, MA (Store #83) – All items, except Shrubs
- Fitchburg, MA (Store #27) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Haverhill, MA (Store #15) – Mother’s Day Hangers & Hibiscus Only
- Hudson, MA (Store #73) – All items, except Soils
- Leominster, MA (Store #16) – All items, except Soils
- Lowell, MA (Store #2) – Mother’s Day Hangers & Hibiscus Only
- Lowell, MA (Store #19) – Mother’s Day Hangers Only
- Lynn, MA (Store #82) – Mother’s Day Hangers & Hibiscus Only
- Methuen, MA (Store #18) – Mother’s Day Hangers Only
- New Bedford, MA (Store #65) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Oxford, MA (Store #62) – All items, except Soils
- Plymouth, MA (Store #80) – All items, except Soils
- Raynham, MA (Store #52) – All items, except Shrubs
- Reading, MA (Store #60) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Revere, MA (Store #74) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Salem, MA (Store #58) – Mother’s Day Hangers & Hibiscus Only
- South Attleboro, MA (Store #76) – Mother’s Day Hangers Only
- West Bridgewater, MA (Store #70) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Woburn, MA (Store #20) – Mother’s Day Hangers and Hibiscus Only
New Hampshire
- Claremont, NH (Store #53) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Concord, NH (Store #35) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Epping, NH (Store #63) – All items, except Soils
- Hooksett, NH (Store #66) – All items, except Soils
- Milford, NH (Store #57) – Mother’s Day Hangers and Hibiscus Only
- Nashua, NH (Store #13) – All items, except Soils
- Nashua, NH (Store #39) – All items, except Soils
- North Conway, NH (Store #94) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Portsmouth, NH (Store #56) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Rindge, NH (Store #47) – All items, except Soils
- Rochester, NH (Store #50) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Rochester, NH (Store #81) – All items, except Soils
- Salem, NH (Store #31) – Mother’s Day Hangers Only
- Somersworth, NH (Store #36) – Mother’s Day Hangers and Hibiscus Only
- Seabrook, NH (Store #41) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Swanzey, NH (Store #64) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils
- Tilton, NH (Store #59) – All items, except Soils
- Warner, NH (Store #55) – All items, except Shrubs or Soils