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MB Celiac Disease Awareness Month

MB Celiac Disease Awareness Month

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestines. When gluten is consumed by those with celiac disease, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, their bodies have an immune response that attacks the small intestine. This causes nutrients to not be absorbed properly into the body, leading to additional serious health problems.

The only treatment for celiac disease is lifelong adherence to a strict gluten-free diet.

1 in 133 people in the United States are reported to have celiac disease. Because even tiny traces of gluten can be enough to cause serious damage, those with celiac disease must be extremely careful when selecting their choices of food. Although gluten-free foods are easier to find today than before, choices are limited due to the risk of cross contamination when dining out. 

During the month of May, we want to raise awareness for those affected with the Celiac Disease, as well as help feature gluten-free and digestive health items available in our store. Check them out below!*

*Be sure to carefully read the labels of products for allergen & nutrition information before purchasing to make sure the product is suitable for your health needs. 

Featured Gluten-Free & Digestive Health Products

4C Gluten-Free Seasoned Crumbs


Against the Grain Gluten Free Gourmet Bread


Against the Grain Gluten Free Gourmet pizza.


Align Probiotic Digestive Support.


Bell and Evans Gluten-Free Breaded Chicken Breast Nuggets.


Bell and Evans Gluten-Free Breaded Chicken Breast Tenders.


Bob's Red Mill 1 to 1 baking flour.


Gillian's gluten-free mini coffee cake muffins.


Gillian's white sandwich bread.


Joseph's gluten-Free Garden Vegetable Wraps.


joseph's Gluten-Free Original Wraps.


justin's Nut butter chocolate cups.


Market Basket Cheese


Market's Kitchen Rotisserie Chicken


Meta Mucil 4-In-1 Fiber Suppliment.


Milton's Gluten-Free Baked Crackers.


Milton's Cauliflower Crust Pizza.


Stop by your nearest store for these featured items!

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